Articles on: VPSmini
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VPSmini - Adding a common service on boot on Ubuntu/Debian

Adding a common service on Ubuntu/Debian OS

In order to add a service on boot, we are using our own CLI tool called servicectl.

It is as easy to use as :
sudo servicectl -e <service_name>

So for mariadb, it would be:
sudo servicectl -e mariadb

To get more information on how to use servicectl, you can always display the full help:
sudo servicectl -h

      --enable, -e [service]         Enable a service
      --disable, -d [service]        Disable a service
      --start, -s                    Start all enabled services
      --list, -l                     List all enabled services
      --help, -h                     Display this help message

Our VPSmini doesn't use Systemd, we are using System V init scripts.

Updated on: 27/06/2024

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